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Writings of James A. Blaine

My father-in-law, Rev. James A. Blaine is an ordained minister in the Wesleyan Church and served as pastor for over forty years at Wesleyan and United Methodist churches in the United States and Canada. One of his greatest joys in ministry was teaching small group Bible studies. He has not only taught extensively in the churches he has pastored but also as a guest speaker at church conferences and other local churches.


He is a graduate of Marion College (now, Indiana Wesleyan University), and of Asbury Theological Seminary (Kentucky). He has earned the Master of Theology post-graduate seminary degree at Western Theological Seminary (Michigan), majoring in biblical literature.


He has always enjoyed studying scripture and writing and in his retirement years has been able to devote more time to this endeavor. I share below some of his writings:


This study originated in trying to better understand the reason for the opposition by the various Jewish authorities, in that 1st century, to the person and ministry of Jesus Christ, their promised Messiah, as noted in John 1:11 - “He came to his own, and his own people did not receive him."



This is a study guide for the Bible's many relationship analogies. The author provides questions and directives to guide the user in making discoveries about the scriptural truths concerning one's personal relationship with Christ. Each lesson concludes with a time for reflection, and with an opportunity to compose an appropriate prayer.



Literal translations and commentary by J. A. Blaine, based
upon the Greek text, upon the context in various English
translations,-- and with some reference to Expositor’s Bible
Commentary notes. 

Short Writings:

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